Renovating Our 1960’s Home

Last week, my husband and I bought our very first home here in Colorado. We count ourselves lucky because we got to meet the owners before we put in an offer (spoiler alert, they loved us). We had put in a couple of competitive offers prior to this house but we were always out bid. I could almost gaurentee that the same thing would have happened to this house had we not been able to meet them.

The house had been in their family for 55 years!! Not only was it such an honor to get it, it was good for us because one person took very good care of it for the majority of their life.

With that being said, there are a LOT of things that need updating and changing. So I decided that I wanted a way to document this journey that I have been looking forward to for so long.

The first thing we tackled was removing the closet that was right behind the front door. Although it was harder than I expected, it was very doable. I cannot explain how much more open the space felt once this was out.

Next, we removed the trim all around the house as it was pretty old and outdated. Since we plan on re doing the floors anyway, we thought we might as well replace the trim too.

The last of the “first three things” was exposing a hidden wood beam in the great room. It was covered in trim, drywall and paint. This was definitely the most difficult of all these tasks, but it did bring a great feel to the room.

Since these are all pretty intensive projects, I will make seperate articles going into more detail and how we tackled the tasks from start to finish. These things took us over 3 days to do.

We have lots more to come soon!

The great room (painted all peach!)

This photo doesn’t quite capture it, but all the walls (including the ceiling) is a light pink.

One of the bedrooms. The current master has wood paneling on the wall and the bedroom in the basement has wonderful green carpet!

Where the closet was. We had filled the holes with mud at this point.

Sanding down the minor imperfections on the wood.


Painting an Old House